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Holy Ghost Restoration


Signs Wonders Miracles

God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? (Heb 2:4)

Pastor Liz McCreary was spiritually born under the ministry of Rev. A.L. McCreary. It was at an anointed revival service under a tent that she was re-born. She accepted the Lord Jesus in her life as her Lord and Savior. Soon after her acceptance of Jesus salvation power, she married Rev. A.L. McCreary and began evangelizing all over America.  Miracles signs and wonders were performed in every service.  People experienced a move of God in a way that the Bible came alive.  


There were testimonies after testimonies of supernatural miracles during their services. Giving up the standard life style of having a home they lived on the road going city to city preaching the gospel of Jesus Christs saving power.   They opened a church in Queens, NY and pastored for many years until the death of Rev. A.L. McCreary in 2001.  It was at this time she continued the ministry once again on the road to what ever city that opened their doors to hear the word of the Lord.  


After several years of evangelizing Pastor Liz McCreary began a new church in which the Lord spoke to her to rename the ministry as

Holy Ghost Restoration Revival ministries In 2008. She taught the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ, healed the sick in Jesus name, cast out devils, taught holiness as a lifestyle of saints, nurtured her flock to be disciples and did it with humility as it is fit of the body of Christ. The members of HGRR knew who to reach out to partner in deliverance and prayer.  She was the epitome of a loving shepherd and did it with elegance. Pastor McCreary entered into her rest with the Lord 10/28/2020.  She ran the race of faith and kept the course. 


We say to our Pastor, well done thou good and faithful servant until we meet again!


A. Colon

Pastor A. Colon


It is Holy Ghost Restoration Revivals great honor to formally introduce Minister Anthony Colon as the Executive Pastor of HGRR ministries.  Pastor Colon was the former Assistant Pastor of HGRR Min Inc. he was installed as executive Pastor in June of 2021

He was a faithful HGRR minister and assistant to the former pastor for over 25 years.  He has received a word from the Lord to continue the legacy and vision of his pastor Liz McCreary and pursue the same journey to go into all the world and preach the gospel.  Baptizing them in the name of the father and  of the Son and of the Holy Ghost as his mission for the church.  

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